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On Land and Sea: The Difference Between Natural and Man-Made Law

On Land and Sea: The Difference Between Natural and Man-Made Law

Very few people – even lawyers and law enforcement officers – really get how the law works.

But the law is very simple. And once you understand the law, you don’t have to worry about following the ones that don’t apply to you. Which is most of them.

The Only Law

Every law that you have to follow is a variation of:

do not cause deliberate harm.

That’s all you have to worry about.

“Law” is a body of rules, prescribed by a controlling authority, which the members of a community must follow. If you are a member of that community, you must follow those rules. Because if you don’t, you’re receiving the benefits of being in the community while not respecting the needs of the community. You’re causing harm.

However, if you aren’t receiving any benefits from the community, you don’t have to follow its rules. You don’t have to follow my kid’s bedtime routine. You don’t have to wear a white pantsuit to work (unless you’re a female member of U.S. Congress). You don’t have to participate in the difficult divinatory trials of the Gebusi (I’m guessing).

If a law is a made-up one written on paper by some dude who’s having a party at his place, you only have to follow it while you’re at his party.

There are some parties you can’t help but be at. The party of humanity for example. Or life.

If you’re at one of these “act of God” parties, you have to follow God’s rules. Because they’re natural laws. The rules that make crops grow, make birds and bees fall in love (did I understand that conversation correctly?), and make you develop symptoms.

The natural laws of the Universe – physical laws – must be obeyed. The only way to not follow laws of physics is to not exist. If you “disobey” these, you’ll die immediately.

These laws are written into the stuff of which you are made. Laws like “If you step off a cliff, you’ll fall down and go splat” (the law of gravity), or “If you open a window on a winter’s day, the house will get cold, dumbass” (the second law of thermodynamics).

The natural laws of life on Earth – biological laws – must also be obeyed. The entire living community from blue-green algae to hip-hop artists must obey biological laws such as the law that says all living creatures must have some kind of food source.

Other examples of biological law are the Five Natural Laws of Healing which govern how illness begins and heals in your body. If you don’t follow these laws, you will be sickly and your life will be short and uninteresting.

The natural laws of humanity – the common law – must be obeyed if you want to get along with other human beings. And not suffer the consequences of causing harm to other people. These are the cultural rules that have evolved along with the people. Rules about “territory” and “relationship.” And “good behaviour.”

Natural laws also include mental laws which govern how our thoughts form, interact, and complete themselves. And there are natural spiritual laws which govern how that which comes around ultimately goes around.

All natural laws have the same prohibition: do not cause harm. And if you do cause or attempt to cause harm, you will suffer a consequence that you do not like.

Equality Before the Law

Laws written into the stuff of the Universe apply equally to everyone. In fact, equality before the law is paramount to the functioning of the Universe, by definition.

If any one particle (or person) was more equal or less equal, then it would set up an instant duality and, by definition, it would no longer be a Universe. None of the natural laws would work.

Equality before the law means that no amount of begging, praying, and submission to the creator of gravity, digestive tracts, or the human mind will allow you to break a natural law without a consequence.

When someone approaches you and claims to be an authority over you just because they have a piece of paper or a uniform or a logical fallacy that says they are, they’re attempting to cause harm. Nobody is the boss of you under any circumstances.

Unless you agree that they are.

And why would you do this?

To get a benefit.

The Law of the Land and the Law of the Sea

Once upon a time, there was only natural law: rules that came into being with the formation of the party to which they belonged. The Universe opened its primordial doors with physics, chemistry, math, the speed of light and all that stuff already in place. The Party of Life launched with stimulus-response, trophism, and reproduction right there on the RSVP card. The Shindig of Humanity has operated with erratic retaliator strategies, tribal structures, theory of mind, and mommies loving babies right out of the mould.

All these natural laws together comprise the law of the land, and have for billions of years.

But a brand new set of laws came into existence with human civilization. These were the special rules that rulers created in order to deal with other rulers in other lands.

These were the laws of the sea (maritime law).

Within the Law of the Land, we can make special arrangements with select other people – as long as they agree. We can, for example, agree that a specific piece of property belongs to you, but that I can use the property in certain ways as though it belongs to me, in exchange for me giving you certain benefits (such as money).

This is an example of a rental contract, and it is a written agreement, representing the rules of the “party” at this particular piece of land.

These rules are made up. They’re a sort of theatrical production that we’re playing out. We are pretending that this piece of property is mine …when it’s actually yours.

Contract law is the made-up law that applies in limbo-land, in imaginary land …or when we are on the high seas carrying our cargo from the far corners of the world. Contract law is the law of the sea. And it is always by agreement.

The Contract Makes the Law (of the Sea)

Let’s say that Susan and Joel are having a disagreement about who owns a certain garden plot. The two of them can work out their disagreement under the law of the land by just punching each other out. The winner owns the garden plot (until someone with bigger muscles comes along).

But let’s say that, other than this one disagreement, Susan and Joel really get along and help each other in a lot of ways. Susan helps Joel grow his favourite sweet potatoes, and Joel does amazing things with Susan’s hair. They would both like to keep those and other wonderful aspects of their relationship, but they would lose that peace and sharing if one of them clubbed the other to death.

Susan and Joel have another option, which is to form a special agreement in regards to this one particular issue. They could agree to share the garden.

They could go to their friend Louise who they both trust and follow whatever solution Louise comes up with for them. They could agree that Susan gets the garden plot but Joel gets all the sweet potatoes from it, as long as Joel keeps giving her the awesome hairstyles.

Whatever they come up with, the special agreement that allows them to deal with their property disagreement without resorting to fisticuffs is called a contract. Its enforcement, through their brand new “party:” a society they created with Louise and each other, is laid out at the time of making the contract.

Government Legislation is the Law of the Sea (Maritime Law)

The law of the sea (maritime law) is any contract law: rules made up within groups of people called “societies” who are agreeing to a shared pretence of a drama on a stage.

Within such societies, people can play pretend roles in the pretend drama on the pretend stage (or ship) called a “courtroom” …and, as part of this big agreement, pretend that we’re not equal, that one person is the boss over the next person, who in turn is the boss over the other one.

We agree to such pretences in order to get access to locked-up resources.

Even though, according to the law of the land, we are all equal and all have equal rights to nourish, clothe, house, and heal our bodies from the land base where we live and to enter into relationships with other people and live together with them.

Why We Need Government Legislation

The law of the sea started 10,000 years ago, when agricultural production led to food surpluses which led to a population explosion …which led to agricultural production, food surpluses, and more population explosion.

In this completely unprecedented period of the most recent 0.2% of human existence on Earth, there are simply too many people and too many resources to be managed without lots of fist fighting.

So the food got locked up and made-up “societies” have been doling it out in very controlled ways ever since, carefully maintaining the illusion that some people deserve a really, really huge proportion of the resources – far more than they can possibly even use …while the vast majority of the people sometimes barely get enough.

Maritime law is the basis of formation of all democratic governments and constitutional law. A constitution is a contract document which forms a legal society for the purpose of delivering a service to the human beings who choose to do business with that legal society.

The intention of constitutional documents is to form a “public service” so that the needs of many people can be met by pooling a little from everyone to produce large projects that can be enjoyed by all. Legal “corporations” were originally designed to come together to do big projects like the Panama Canal or a cross-country railway system …and when their purpose was served, they were supposed to dissolve.

A constitutional contract will clearly state the limitations of the power of the legal society that is being fabricated. What we’ve forgotten is that legal societies are fictitious. Their laws are not natural laws.

Just as you do not have to obey a contract made between your neighbour and his employer, you also do not have to obey a contract made between, say, the Queen of England and the Queen of the Netherlands. (Unless you’re one of said queens) Or an agreement between the Upper Canada Law Society and the Ontario Provincial Police. Or an agreement between your child’s school board and GMP Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Company.

These contracts that other “societies” have made – called “legislation” – are maritime law (law of the sea) developed to distribute resources within very specific legal structures. You do not have to obey these rules unless you contract with these societies.

What your lawyer never told you is that, unfortunately, you did contract with these societies. You did this by applying for a benefit, such as a birth certificate, social insurance number, or a license.

Where Anarchists Come From

Government power is very limited indeed. The government agencies which have set up offices near where you live are not your authorities. They are simply groups of people who have entered into a contract to provide a public service using natural resources which belong equally to all the human beings who live in a given geographical land area. In exchange, these public servants are sworn to protect your natural rights.

And to always put the law of the land ahead of maritime law.

If they do anything else, they are causing harm. That means breaking the Law of the Land and that means a natural consequence.

Such as fisheries collapse, climate instability, economic recession, and mass social revolt.

Most people believe that “government” is synonymous with “authority.” And so, 10,000 years of maritime law have resulted in virtually all natural resources being hoarded by a relatively tiny number of people. Not only have many species gone extinct as a result, but the great majority of human beings also suffer from not having access to resources they need to thrive.

Yet we are each entitled to thrive.

You Can Make Your Own Law

You’re not obligated to follow any piece of legislation unless you agree, explicitly, to be a member of that society, enter into that contract, and receive that benefit. And you have to know exactly what you’re doing when you make the agreement.

The four components of a binding contract are,

  1. It must obey natural law.
    You and I, cannot enter into a binding contract to, say, help ourselves to all the Cheez Doodles at the local No Frills. Because that would cause harm.
  2. It must contain proof of mutual agreement between every human being to which it applies.
    If you can’t show that I agreed to rent my house to you, for example, then you don’t really have a right to kick me out and move in. Nor can I expect to collect rent money from you.
  3. It must show proof of consideration.
    If there is no benefit given, there is no contract. So if you agree to give me $100 for no reason whatsoever, you’re not actually obliged to give me that $100. There must be a trade of value.
  4. It must contain proof of full disclosure.
    If I tell you to jot your name down for me so that I can understand how to pronounce it, and then I fill in the rest of the paper with the words “I hereby agree to give you my house and everything in it, in exchange for one dollar,” you’re not actually obligated to give me your house.

If you and one or more other people can meet those four requirements, you can form your own society and your own laws. You can make your own public service and your own government. And it will have all the rights and privileges of any other society.

You just have to make sure that you do not cause harm.

Being Free On the Land

You can’t make a contract to agree to give up your rights if you don’t understand that you have those rights in the first place. Being “on the land” means recognizing your rights and your personal authority over your own jurisdiction: your body, mind, feelings, choices, and actions.

Alegislature must not obstruct our obedience to Him from whose punishments they cannot protect us.

jurist, Robin v. Hardaway, 1 Jefferson 109; 1 Am Jur 2d 14

The law of the land means surrendering to laws made in the creation of the land. Surrender to the natural laws of gravity, biology, community, the mind, and the spirit.

The Book of Genesis and many Eastern scriptures describe the law of the land as rules of conduct for staying alive and being healthy. These ancient writings refer to the elegant design of the biosphere as a connected set of ecological niches and interrelations between living things of different kinds, as well as natural laws for treating each other properly. In this context, humanity has the ecological role of the gardeners of the landscape on the grandest scale, leaving smaller niches such as river systems, rivers, or single rocks to other species.

No matter how much you revere the royals and think they’re better than you, they’re not allowed to prevent you from obeying, say, the law of gravity. Or from defending your personal rights.

Under the law of the land, we must never attempt to harm another. We must keep the peace, never start a conflict with someone else. But, if someone else starts a conflict, we have to assert our rights with whatever level of force is necessary.

If someone tries to kill you, you must defend yourself even if it requires you killing the other. If someone steals what belongs to you, you must take it back or put a bigger lock on your door, or you must turn the theft into a gift by consciously forgiving them. If someone tries to defraud you in a contract, you must immediately end the contract and not create a new contract with this person until they have made amends.

Whatever the trauma is …you must resolve it within yourself. Or there will continue to be natural consequences, usually in the form we call “a symptom.”

Resolving Conflict

Are you in a contract? Are all four criteria of a lawful contract met?

If you are in a contract, are you in it willingly or by ignorance?

You’ve got three possible legal positions:

  • A bondsman is someone who willingly signs a contract to give up his rights in some clearly-defined way in order to get a clearly-defined payment. Once the contract’s clearly-defined terms are met, the contract is over and done with and there is no more obligation.
  • A slave is the one who is bound and kept inferior to another human, essentially having no rights because he is unable to assert those rights. He’s got kids to feed, few resources or skills, and someone’s got a boot on his neck, saying “You can have our hors-d’oevres …or you can eat this bullet.”
  • A freeman is someone who chooses not to enter into contracts and instead asserts all of her rights to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. The freeman operates only in common law, bound only to keep the peace and to never harm another or allow another to be harmed if she can reasonably prevent it.

If you don’t assert your rights because you have no idea that you have those rights, then you’re a slave just as much as the man who has a chain around his ankle and a gun to his head. The saddest part about this is that most of the chains that bind us are the chains of our own self-judgment, and most of the guns to our heads are merely our own worries.

Implanted by years of childhood miseducation followed by decades of nonsensical public media, perhaps, but imaginary nonetheless.

But now you’re not ignorant. Now you know that you have rights and you alone are responsible for asserting them. You don’t have to enter into any contract that you don’t want to enter into. If you are willing to forgo benefits, you don’t have to consent to any form of the law of the sea.

You only need to follow one law: cause no deliberate harm.

Each of us has recourse in the common law. But you must understand and assert your rights.

And you only have one right: to not be deliberately harmed.

If nobody paid taxes or followed the rules, wouldn’t society fall apart?

If, by “society,” you mean the law society and the super-elite class that owns it …probably.

If, by “society,” you mean the social structures that keep us all from harming each other …well, I would argue that widespread understanding of natural law and natural rights would bring peace to our communities overnight.

Yes, certain elite power structures would topple almost immediately if they stopped receiving the fruits of your labour. No, the people would not all start pillaging and looting, we would not starve, and everyone wouldn’t die of cancer. Only those who refuse to follow the law of the land (that is, only those who live by harming others) would be in trouble without the protection of maritime law.

Under the Law of the Sea, over 97% of human beings struggle throughout their entire lives to “earn” the “benefit” of being “allowed” to have a roof over our heads, put food in our mouths, travel, and get medical attention if we need it. But Nature – the law of the land – is lavishly abundant.

Without locking all this abundance up there would be more leisure time, abundance, and opportunity for everyone.

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